Currency exchange

Currency exchange. Here you can see all questions and answers related with currency exchange. If you have more questions about Currency exchange, just ask - we are ready to answer.
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4 years ago

How much is 100 euros in US dollars and where is the best place to exchange it in L.A., California?

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5 years ago

What is the best choice to exchange dollars to pounds - bring cash USD to UK, exchange usd to gbp in USA, bring just credit card and use ATM in UK?

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5 years ago

How to convert pounds to dollars manually? I mean if you count one by one on the paper? 1 gbp to usd, then 2 gbp to usd, then 2.3 gbp to usd, etc.

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5 years ago

How to convert usd to gbp manually? Do i need to go to bank or currency exchange? Or i can do it by myself in the market?

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5 years ago

What is the exchange rate for usd to gbp? Why it is different here and in currency exchanges in the city?

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