Exchange rates

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5 years ago

I would like to know what is the value of 40k us dollars would be in pounds? How to convert dollars to pounds?

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Barbara Leindecker
5 years ago

We are going to multiple countries next summer. We will need Euros, Karunas & Forints Is this a good time to exchange monies? I am from the US. I do not understand the rates. Please help. Thank You

Steven J
5 years ago

Dear Barbara, thank you for a question. I would recommend you to speak with your bank if the credit or debit card you have will work in Europe and check the fees. The best way to travel is with credit card, because the exchange rates are the best.

But if you want to have cash with you, when you'll be in Europe, Hungary or Czech Republic, then you'll be able easily to exchange US dollars to Euros, Forints and Korunas. I don't think that it is worth to exchange currency in the US. Just take with you US dollars and exchange them when you need in Europe. Also, combine it with your card. Don't forget that you'll be able to withdraw money from ATMs in Europe. There are many currency exchanges in those countries, just avoid to exchange at airports where the exchange rates and fees are ridiculous.

The exchange rates you're able to check in the following links:

- US dollars to euros here: USD to EUR exchange rates and USD to EUR converter

- US dollars to forints here: USD to HUF exchange rates and USD to HUF converter

- US dollars to korunas here: USD to CZK exchange rates and USD to CZK converter

On each page above you can see prepared conversions for most common conversions USD to EUR, EUR to USD, USD to HUF, HUF to USD, USD to CZK, CZK to USD, etc.

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