Bitcoin price rises with pump

What's happening with Bitcoin Cash price? Is it again pumping? It went up to $3800 in 50 minutes?

6 years ago
6 years ago

Bitcoin cash price rises because of Coinbase (GDAX) started Bitcoin cash trading on their platform. Everyone buying, we have little dip with BCH because of some bugs on GDAX and stopped trading feature. Everyone expects Bitcoin cash to the moon after GDAX will enable buy and sell Bitcoin cash again.

Coinbase tweets:

1) Buy, sell, send and receive Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase

2) Coinbase maintains a strict trading policy and internal guidelines for employees. Coinbase employees have been prohibited from trading in Bitcoin Cash for several weeks.

3) An update on Bitcoin Cash for our customers: sends and receives are functional. Buys and sells on and in our mobile apps will be available to all customers once there is sufficient liquidity on GDAX. We anticipate that this will happen tomorrow.

4) All BCH markets will remain cleared and offline until 9am PST 12/20/17. At that time, BCH markets will enter post-only mode for a minimum of one hour to allow liquidity to be established.

Wait until GDAX will enable BCH buy/sell feature again, might be that Bitcoin cash price will go even more. Be careful everyone, let's earn some money!

Will BCH replace BTC? No, I don't think so...

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