Dash (DASH)

Dash (DASH) price, charts, market capitalization, history. Check Dash live and history price in charts and tables, do analysis with special DASH tools below. Digital Cash or simply Dash is a popular cryptocurrency that is open source and peer-to-peer just like all major coins. It is similar to bitcoin in many aspects but it has some advanced features like instant money transfer aka InstantSend, private currency transfer aka PrivateSend and DGBB, a decentralized budgeting and finance system that makes it the world’s earliest decentralized autonomous organizations. It also supports a wallet through which you can make direct purchases using Dash and trade with the coin. Unlike other cryptocurrencies who normally have a one-tier architecture, the Dash uses a two-tier architecture for its monetary system. The first layer consists of miners who secure the blockchain and help with the transactions. The next layer is made up of masternodes who are given rewards for enabling and maintaining the various advanced features of the Dash coin. Masternodes are the part of unique network servers who work highly secure clusters named quorums that only Dash possesses. These clusters are used to provide the unique functions of Dash coin.

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DASH - team, coins, future

Dash is a popular cryptocurrency and is famous for its added features spread over the masternode network. While it is highly unlikely that the coin will occupy the top spots in the cryptocurrency world ever, it is clear that the stellar currency will continue to matter a lot in the future.

DASH mining. Dash can be mined but just like bitcoin it has a limit to the number of coins that can be mined. The first quarter of the coins was mined within the first two days because of an issue that resulted in an instamine. Despite the developers urging the coin holders to relaunch the coin, the community disapproved and so they had to stick with lesser funding. You can now mine the coin in a much more logical way. Due to the dedicated team of developers, Dash has been able to solve a myriad of problems that arose in its system from slow confirmations times, increasing block sizes and development of a self-funding development budget. Other cryptocurrencies can never get this done so quickly because they don’t have a dedicated team like this. Consensus takes a lot more time and results in forks.

Dash was originally released as XCoin before changing it to DarkCoin and more recently DASH. The original team of dash consists of Evan Duffield, Andy Freer and Ryan Taylor. The Dash team has several full-time employees with a dedicated team of developers who are working on the technology.

Let's discuss
6 years ago

What's happened with DASH. It is pump and dump scenario happened. How they do this with even DASH?

6 years ago

Looks like it is not PUMP, just new investors coming and put big money on DASH. Might be huge news from DASH in coming days.

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