Turkish liras

Turkish liras. Here you can see all questions and answers related with turkish liras. If you have more questions about Turkish liras, just ask - we are ready to answer.
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7 years ago

While I was cleaning up at home, I found a million Turkish liras. They seem to be a bit scratched and visibly old. Is there a way to exchange these type of banknotes and how much would they be worth?

Steven J
7 years ago

Piter, thank you for the question. It depends on when these Turkish liras were issued, yet I am pretty sure they will no longer be valid. All of the Turkish liras that were released before 2009 have lost their legal tender status. Only the ones that has been released from 2009 are valid. By the way, the newer Turkish liras, which were released in 2005-2009, are no longer issued, yet they will be exchanged until 31 December 2019. I think it can be done only at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

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