What is the MAXIMUM time you are willing to wait on crypto-exchange to complete exchanging an asset? 1. 1 day or less 2. 3 days 3. 5-7 days 4. 14 days 5. 30 days or more
I used bitcoin wallet generator (app on phone) to make a public and private key. I didn't store, I just wrote it down. I have never used it and I am only person who has ever seen it. Could I now but some cryptocurrency on coinbase and store in on that private key? Basically it's a paper wallet, I think? New to all this and want to be sure this is safe?
there are more than 1000 types of crypto coins on the market. with many you see that they sometimes increase more than 100% in value, my question is if the following is it possible if you start with 100 euros and you would trade every day in a coin and you make every time for 40% profit on all your bet then it is still possible that you have more than 2 million euros in 30 days??. here is the calculation 100 * 1.40 ^ 30 = 2,4 million please explain if it is possible or not